1280 Main Street West
Hamilton , ON
Start: 12:00 AM
End: 11:59 PM
Putting the Pieces Together: Formalizing Units and Structures in the Biblical Languages
Bingham Colloquium
June 14–15, 2018
Centre for Biblical Linguistics, Translation, and Exegesis
McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON
Abstracts due March 31, 2018
The Bingham Colloquium is an annual biblical studies conference at McMaster Divinity College endowed in honour of Baptist leader and pastor H. H. Bingham. It is an academic event oriented towards the generation and dissemination of knowledge, but it is designed to be interactive and collaborative. Its format includes paper presentations, but also opportunities for both formal and informal dialogue between presenters and attendees. While active participation is encouraged, anyone is welcome to attend, regardless of whether they wish to present anything.
For 2018, the Colloquium will be entitled, “Putting the Pieces Together: Formalizing Units and Structures in the Biblical Languages.” The theme has been framed broadly enough to encompass a range of topics, including matters arising out of the description of linguistic units (e.g. rank, grammatical functions, classes of grammatical units, digital annotation, etc.), resources used in the interrelation of linguistic units (e.g. conjunctions, prepositions, case, etc.), and the implications of these issues for translation and exegesis (e.g. differences between source and target languages, analysis and discussion of specific passages, etc.). We particularly encourage proposals that serve to advance the existing grammatical descriptions of the biblical languages by leveraging linguistic theories and/or methods of data analysis. Though papers directly related to this year’s theme are desired, all proposals related to linguistics, translation, and exegesis will be considered. The online call for papers can be found here.
Because this year’s event will be hosted by CBLTE (Centre for Biblical Linguistics, Translation, and Exegesis), the 2018 Bingham will not only include plenary and parallel papers, but also a pre-colloquium workshop devoted to the use of Digital Humanities resources in the study of the Bible. At this workshop, two invited guests, Jonathan Robie and James Tauber, will exemplify how digital tools are making new forms of linguistic research possible and how these tools can be used in practical ways for the study or teaching of biblical languages. A dinner will follow the workshop, allowing conference attendees to interact in an informal setting.
The Colloquium itself will be held on Friday, June 15, 2018. The pre-colloquium digital humanities workshop will take place on Thursday, June 14, 2018 (followed by an informal and unofficial dinner gathering at a local restaurant).
Organizing Committee:
- Dr. Christopher Land (Convener)
- Dr. Stanley Porter
- Dr. Francis Pang
Submission Guidelines
Participants are invited to submit a maximum 250 word abstract. Please include a description of technical requirements, if necessary.
The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2018.
Please direct submissions to cblte@mcmaster.ca.
Questions should be directed to the Organizing Committee at cblte@mcmaster.ca.