Dear colleagues,
While it is unlikely to come as a surprise to anyone, we am nevertheless sorry to announce that we have decided to postpone the 2021 Bingham Colloquium due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. We are currently under a stay-at-home order here in Ontario, and a fully online conference is not in anyone’s best interest at this time.
We have been eagerly awaiting the conference, especially the productive and fruitful discussions it allows. We will simply wait a little bit longer.
We have not yet fixed a date for the 2022 colloquium. An official announcement will be made at some point, as soon as plans have been made. As before, we are hopeful that our invited plenary speakers will be able to adjust their plans so as to attend the rescheduled event, but only time will tell. By now, we are all getting used to uncertainty!
If you have already submitted a paper proposal, we thank you for your interest and hope that you will submit a proposal once again next year when we issue a new call for papers.
We wish you all the best as you navigate these difficult times.
Dr. Christopher Land (Convener)
Dr. Stanley Porter
Dr. Francis Pang